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The Eight Days Of Creation & The Song Of Eden

The theme of creation examines the Genesis account of the world's and mankind's creation, concentrating on how it is to be understood, the essence of humanity, and Thomas Aquinas' beliefs.

Feb 24, 2022
We’ve all had one of those days. Alternatively, it may be one of those weeks. How are we going to get everything done? If only we had one more hour in the day. Alternatively, add one additional day to the week. Even if we had the ability to wave a magic wand and have our desire come true, we'd quickly realize that we'd need just a little bit more time than we've been given. On the other side, we regularly find ourselves looking forward to the end of the day. Or we feel that a rough week can’t be finished fast enough.

What Are The Days Of Creation In Order?

The theme of creation examines the Genesis account of the world's and mankind's creation, concentrating on how it is to be understood, the essence of humanity, and Thomas Aquinas' beliefs. This story continues by describing the creation's seven days:
  • In the beginning, God began creation on the first day
  • Light was created on the second day
  • The sky was created on the third day; dry land, seas, plants, and trees were created on the fourth day
  • The Sun, Moon, and stars were created on the fifth day
  • Sea creatures and flying creatures were created on the sixth day
  • Land animals and finally humans, created in the image of God, were created on the seventh day
  • God completed his work of creation and rested.
Text by Karl Kohlhase, 2009 Icons by Others All praise to our God and Maker

On The First Day

God creating light for the Earth
God creating light for the Earth
God spoke His creative Word
And His voice was like the sound of many oceans
“Let there be light”
And it was so
O light preceding sun, moon, and stars
Most perfect, most beautiful, undimming light
O First Day of the Incarnate Word
The Light of Men conceived
In the hidden womb of the Virgin Mary
When the Spirit of God hovered over the waters
O radiant Light shining in the darkness
Where no eye can see
O brilliant Embryonic Light
Bright beyond all comprehension
Source of all light, all knowledge, and all wisdom
The first spark of Enlightenment
For every human soul
This is the Day that the Lord has made
Let us rejoice and be glad in it

On The Second Day

The sun and water are separated
The sun and water are separated
God spoke His creative Word
And His voice was like the sound of many oceans
“Let there be an expanse
Separating the waters above
From the waters below”
O air that I breathe
O life-giving atmosphere
Expansive height and breadth
In which I freely move
O Second Day on which Christ
Gave His birthing cry
Separated from the exalted waters
Of Mary’s Immaculate Womb
And entering, through compassion,
The lower waters of our human misery
Thus joining Heaven and Earth in Himself
And filling his lungs with the air
Held in common by all mankind
O Breath of Heaven come down to earth
All souls learn the rhythm of prayer on the Second Day
This is the Day that the Lord has made
Let us rejoice and be glad in it

On The Third Day

Land arose, trees grow and separated land from water
Land arose, trees grow and separated land from water
God spoke His creative Word
And His voice was like the sound of many oceans
“Let dry ground emerge from the waters
Sprouting grain for Our bread
And grapes for Our wine”
O blessed Earth, rock upon which I stand
Apart from you I drown in the raging waters
O blessed Christ emerging
From the waters of the Jordan
Foreshadowing that Third Day of Your rising
Like Jonah from the deep abyss of death
O Grain of Wheat
Blessed Seed planted in the earth
Dying to bring forth
The abundant harvest of Love
O beautiful Eucharistic Garden
Planted in the heart of Eden
Your sprawling carpet turns green
And your fruit trees begin to blossom
Deeply rooted amidst the four rivers
That flow from the wounds of the Crucified
On this Third Day all willing souls are baptized
Emerging with a new nature
Remade in God’s image
And bearing good fruit
For the life and healing of the nations
This is the Day that the Lord has made
Let us rejoice and be glad in it

On The Fourth Day

God created sun, moon, and stars
God created sun, moon, and stars
God spoke His creative Word
And His voice was like the sound of many oceans
“Let there be lights in the heavens
To brighten the earth”
O morning sun, my eyes delight
In all the colors God has made
O moon and stars make glad the night
And mark the times in which we live
Exalted Rabbi, Lord, and Teacher,
Your words now fill the earth with light
The sun that shines is love for God
Reflected in the moon of love for neighbor
And on this day all souls in Christ
Are graced to contemplate the stars
Those countless points of illumination
Helping us navigate our way to God
In the dark night of faith
This is the Day that the Lord has made
Let us rejoice and be glad in it

On The Fifth Day

Fishes and Birds are created
Fishes and Birds are created
God spoke His creative Word
And His voice was like the sound of many oceans
“Let the waters and the skies be filled with living creatures”
O swarming life, abundant life
Help us to see the depths and heights
Of God’s truth and love
The oyster forms her pearl below
While the eagle soars high above
O blessed day upon the Mount of Transfiguration
Where the radiant Christ reveals His interior luminescence
From the Red Sea floor of Moses
To the mystical clouds of Elijah
The abundant light and life of Christ
Are made known
On this day God enables befriended souls to see
Both the inner depths of their true secret selves
And their lofty potential in Jesus Christ
This is the Day that the Lord has made
Let us rejoice and be glad in it

On The Sixth Day

God created man and woman to live in the Earth he created
God created man and woman to live in the Earth he created
God spoke His creative Word
And His voice was like the sound of many oceans
“Let the earth bring forth all kinds of beasts
And let Us make man in Our image”
On this day the Man was alone in the Garden
With no beast found suitable to help Him
And no one who could comprehend His Language
So He laid down His life on this Good Friday
And was pierced in His sacred side
From the blood which flowed between His ribs
His Bride, the Church, was formed
One who could finally help Him
In caring for the garden of all hearts
So that all men and women might learn to understand
His Mystical Communications
Now the two became one
God and Man were bound together in holy Love
For this is eternal life
To know the only God and Jesus Christ whom He has sent
O glorious human potential, most humane humanity
Elevated by Christ above all bestial nature
And crowned with wisdom, truth, and love
This is the Day that the Lord has made
Let us rejoice and be glad in it

On The Seventh Day

God rest and sleep
God rest and sleep
God rested from all His work
And His silence was like the sound of many oceans
Having said from the Cross of Redemption, “It is finished”
He rested in the closed tomb
Thus opening the way to our Sabbath Rest
Our Promised Land flowing with milk and honey
Our Zion of everlasting praise and thanksgiving
Our Jerusalem, the City of Peace
And He calls His Bride
To join Him in the tomb
Honoring His holy Sabbath
By resting from her old works of the False Self
Here on this day, purified souls say in truth
“I have died, I am buried with Christ,
And it is no longer I who live,
But Christ now lives in me
For I am a most willing captive
Of the consuming fire called Divine Love”
This is the Day that the Lord has made
Let us rejoice and be glad in it

On The Eighth Day

We return to the First Day
From the darkness of the tomb we hear again in silence
As the stone is rolled away
“Let there be light”
Alleluia! Alleluia!
All things are made and made new
By Him, through Him, with Him, in Him, and for Him
May every heart adore the crucified and risen Lord
With the Father and the Holy Spirit
One Triune and Everlasting God
This is the Day that the Lord has made
Let us rejoice and be glad in it

The Song Of Eden

The Garden of God’s planting tells her story
The Garden of Eden sings her song
Barren and desolate, I cried to the Lord
For there was no Man to till my stony soil
No rain for my desert
No green sprouts to cover my naked ground
Like an empty corpse I felt nothing
Not even the slightest breath of gratitude
Or love for my Maker
Then I perceived Him, in time and beyond time
The Man arising from my dusty substance
Behold, the New Earth emerging!
A mist began to form on the surface
And His sweat became as great drops of blood
Saturating and softening the fallow ground of Gethsemane
Then I perceived the tilling action
Of this beloved and tender Gardener
Covered with deep lacerations from head to toe
He shouldered the heavy plow
Hoeing the row all the way to Golgotha
Removing old thorns, sewing new seeds, and praying
For the first signs of the harvest
Then I perceived in the middle of this garden
The Tree of Life growing tall
And a single river flowed from one Sacred Heart
Becoming four rivers at the wounds
Created by three driven nails
And one piercing lance
The name of the foremost is Pishon
Flowing around the whole land of Havilah
Where there is gold
And the gold of that land is good
Yes! The River flows from Eden
Making glad the City of God
The New Jerusalem adorned as a Bride
With streets of gold transparent as crystal
Love is awakened
The fruitful garden now blooms
And the whole earth will be full of His glory!
The Man who slept
The Man who was pierced in His sacred side
That blessed Gardener is alive forevermore
And the barren garden of Gethsemane
Now blossoms with the Easter Lilies of Arimathea
For His blood makes the once closed Gate of Eden
Open again to all who believe in His name
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