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Hiding Place

To everyone who hunger and thirst for God's Presence. Take a sip of these enigmas.

Feb 24, 2022117 Shares2209 Views
“You are my hiding place; You shall preserve me from trouble; You shall surround me with songs of deliverance. Selah” Psalm 32:7
The kindness and mercy of God toward the sin in our lives are depicted in Psalm 32. He didn't have to, but He chose to do so in order to bring us back to Himself. Like a kind Father, he took our sins upon himself and died on the cross. "For you died, and your past has been hidden with Christ in God," according to Colossians 3:3. Because Christ was judged on our behalf, this is the hiding place: the area where we aren't judged at all.
Pray that you will be able to hear the songs of deliverance that the Psalmist promises God has prepared for you to hear. You are no longer tied by addictions, disappointments, or false accusations that keep you from being united with Jesus Christ. Put your trust in Him.

What Is A Hiding Place?

Instead of having to flee from God, we now have the option of fleeing to God, our Hiding Place, and knowing that we are secure! An old story tells of a wagon train traversing the prairie, which came over a hill and was scared to find a prairie fire rushing in their way as they approached. It appeared as though they would be devoured by the flames in no time at all. The caravan's leader, on the other hand, rode to the back of the caravan and set fire to the dry grass behind them.
The same winds that blew the raging fire at them were also responsible for fanning this fire away from them. They were on their way to the burned-out area in minutes. In response to the increasing intensity of the heat and smoke, a small girl shouted out, "Are you sure we're safe?" When the wagon master replied, "Oh, absolutely," he meant that they were safe since they were standing where the fire had previously been!
Christ has borne the brunt of God's wrath, and if we "take shelter in Him," we will be protected for all of eternity as well (Ps 37:40-note). Keep in mind that those whom God keeps are always well kept. "Should storms of sevenfold thunder roll, And shake the globe from pole to pole; No fiery bolt could daunt my face, For Jesus is my HIDING PLACE." "Should storms of sevenfold thunder roll, And shake the globe from pole to pole; (From J Brewer)
Mighty God, hiding in This Eucharistic sign Give me eyes of faith to see Your hidden Life Divine Draw the veil of flesh aside And let the curtain part Until I find my hiding place Within Your Sacred Heart
Oh hide me with You In Your hiding place Please hide me with You In Your hiding place
Risen Lord, exalted to The Father’s own right hand High above all I can see Or ever comprehend Faith alone can penetrate The darkness that surrounds Your Eucharistic hiding place Where mystery abounds
Oh hide me with You In Your hiding place Please hide me with You In Your hiding place
Mighty God, hiding in This Eucharistic sign Give me eyes of faith to see Your hidden Life Divine
Words and Music for Eucharistic Adoration by Karl Kohlhase © 2008 karl kohlhase Featured on "Bread Of Life: Eucharistic Reflections"

A Few Words About This CD

To everyone who hunger and thirst for God's Presence.
Take a sip of these enigmas.
Although the songs are brief, the realities they express are not.
Each song offered here should be considered within the context of the Eucharist.
May God provide us illumination while we meditate.
When composing Christian music, the words must be the song's heartbeat. Ultimately, it is the words that differentiate Christian music from secular music. It is not the sole distinguishing mark, but it is the most significant.
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